Abstracts and Online Registration


ATTENTION!  Abstract submission dedline extended to April 15th !



The ISCNP 2018 Organizing Committee invites authors to submit abstracts. Submissions are sought for oral and poster presentations and can be made during online registration process. All abstracts must follow the template provided below and be submitted by April 15th, 2018.



Online registration!




All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The presenting author will be notified of the final decision before April 6th, 2018. The accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

Selected papers from the plenary, oral and poster presentations will be published in a Special Issue of Phytochemistry Letters.



The definite acceptance of the research contribution and the publication in the Book of Abstracts are contingent upon payment on schedule of all fees due (April 15th, 2018).


One registration fee gives each participant the right to show two posters during the Symposium!


Abstract format guidelines:

  • The abstract must be written in English and should be checked by a native English speaker.
  • The abstract should not be longer than one template page
  • The abstract should have dimensions of 11.0 cm (width) x 16.0 cm (height), including figures, tables and references.
  • Abstract should be typed single spaced, in Arial as font. File must be saved as first author.doc or first author.docx format.
  • The title should be concise and informative, written in bold, capitalized letters, with
    a font size of 10 pt. Leave a blank line with font size 10 pt. between the title and the authors’ names; their institutional addresses; the abstract text and references, if any.
  • The name(s) of author(s) should be written in normal, capitalized letters, with a font size of 10 pt. Give the surnames of all authors with initials of only first names. Please, underline the surname of the presenting author.
  • Type the name(s) of the institution(s), incl. the address for correspondence, city and country, in normal letters with a font size of 8 pt. List each author's institutional affiliation(s).
  • Type the abstract text with a font size of 8 pt. The abstract text must not exceed 2100 characters including spaces. Longer communications will not be accepted and will be returned to their sender.
  • The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the methods, the principal results and major conclusions. Abstracts without definite results will not be accepted.
  • Tables, figures or illustrations, limited to a minimum.
  • IUPAC nomenclature together with SI units should be used.
  • Acknowledgements (italic): list of institutions and/or persons in normal letters with
    a font size of 7 pt. should be included.
  • The References (normal letters) should be numbered in the order of their appearance in the text [1, 2, 3…]. Please keep the number of references to an obligate minimum. The font size for the references should be 7 pt.

Important Dates!

April 15th, 2018   
Extended Deadline for Abstract submission!

April 6th, 2018       
Notification of Abstract acceptance

April 15th, 2018     
Early registration payment