

Patronage of the Symposium


Prof. Dr. Andrzej Drop - Rector of the Medical University of Lublin


Piotr Majchrzak - Honorary Consul, Consulate of Austria in Lublin


Honorary patronage

Sławomir Sosnowski - Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodship 



Dr. Krzysztof Żuk - Mayor of the City of Lublin


Dr. Werner Almhofer - Ambassador of Austria in Poland






Medical University of Lublin


Department of Pharmacognosy with Medicinal Plant Unit
of Medical University of Lublin


Polish Academy of Sciences

Austrian Drug Screening Institute


Important Dates!

April 15th, 2018   
Extended Deadline for Abstract submission!

April 6th, 2018       
Notification of Abstract acceptance

April 15th, 2018     
Early registration payment